Wednesday 25 September 2013

Harry Potter according to Victoria Cotton

A little too long ago I went on a 'blog sabbatical'. It has been 6 months since I said I would post something soon and I have no excuse...

Also my computer broke. As I'm writing this on a iPad, I am unable to put any pictures up to accompany this so it isn't going to be as colourful as my future posts but I'll have a bash at it. As soon as I can access a computer I will put up a post with an assortment of photos to accompany.

Technology and I have always had a pretty difficult relationship. My ex-flatmate would put it down to the fact I am blonde. When we were at university I once flew into his room in a dramatic flourish because my computer just would not switch on no matter how hard I tried. Turned out I just hadn't plugged it in. He plugged it in, pointed to my hair and left the room without a word. Unfortunately, this excuse no longer applies as last weekend I finally succumbed to the 'rich mouse'/'dirty blonde' non-descript colour that nature intended for me.

Anyway, this post is a bit random, but my sister, her friend and I were chatting about Harry Potter and I thought her interpretation was unique and therefore worth sharing.

I should point out that unlike me, Victoria Cotton has never been a reader. I found her take on Harry Potter books incredibly amusing so I thought I would share...

VICTORIA: "I don't like Harry Potter or Lord of the the Rings and things like that.  I don't mind the normal bits but it's the parallel universe stuff I don't like...

ME: "What do you mean the normal bits? It's all in a parallel universe?"

VICTORIA: "I mean I don't mind the Hogwarts stuff but it's the bits with fairies and goblins in I don't like"

ME: "Harry Potter doesn't have fairies in it?"

VICTORIA: "Yeah it does.. There's that one in the bathroom"

VICTORIA'S FRIEND: "Who? (Long pause) Moaning Myrtle?? She isn't a fairy!"

VICTORIA: "Well, I'm pretty sure she has wings?

I just don't see the point of the plot. I've read the first four books and they all have the same plot.

Basically, they all start at someone's house. Either the Weasley's house or 4 Dorset Drive. Anyway, they all have a chat and do their muggle stuff and there's a little bit of magic. Then they go to Hogwarts. Whether they get there in a car in the air, or through that wall at St Pancras, or a train or whatever, they always get to Hogwarts. Then they go *clink clink* yeah cheers to Gryffindor! cheers to Gryffindor! And then there's a hat and it decides what college you go in - so Slytherin, Hufflepuff (that's for all the slow ones* I think) or Ravenhope... And then there's a bit of intercollegiate bitching and then there's a bit of mayhem and then Harry finds out someone wants him to die. And he's like uh-oh. Which is stupid cos it's hardly a surprise cos someone wants him to die in every book. Then he doesn't die and then it's the end and then it happens again in the next book.

And then we find out that Snape's really Voldemort..."

Anyway, bit of a random blogpost but just thought her take on it might be interesting for any hardcore Harry Potter fans out there.

*not the words she used.

Friday 1 March 2013

Be back soon

This blog is undergoing a bit of maintenance. I have been on a sort of blog sabbatical.

I promise to be back shortly.